The following preview site has been set up to facilitate access to SHRP R26 JIT modules

Many conventional preservation techniques–and some new ones–can be used to extend the life of high-traffic roadways without major reconstruction and traffic disruption. Guidelines for the Preservation of High-Traffic-Volume Roadways (R26) offers the technical background and decision-making framework needed to bring preservation strategies widely into play for high-traffic roads.

Developed through the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2), these are the first systematic and comprehensive resources designed to expand the use of pavement preservation on high-traffic roads.

Pavement Preservation Overview

Preservation of Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements

Preservation of Concrete-Surfaced Pavements

  • Concrete-Surfaced Pavement Distress Identification (HTML | SCORM)
  • Concrete Pavement Preservation: An Overview (HTML | SCORM)
  • Partial-Depth and Full-Depth Repair of Concrete (HTML | SCORM)