Below (and as a downloadable Word file) is the Nomination template to be used when submitting your technology nomination. Strict adherence to this format is required. Please see the Sample Nomination for an example of the completeness and thoroughness the TIG Executive Committee is looking for when they make their selections.
Sponsor |
Nominations must be submitted by an AASHTO member DOT willing to help promote the technology. |
1. Sponsoring State DOT: |
2. Name: |
Title: |
Mailing Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
E-mail: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
3. Date Submitted: |
4. Is the Sponsoring State DOT willing to promote this technology to other states by participating on a Lead States Team supported by the AASHTO Technology Implementation Group?
Please check one: Yes No |
Technology Description (10 points) |
The term “technology” may include processes, products, techniques, procedures, and practices. |
5. Name the technology: |
6. Please describe the technology:
7. If appropriate, please attach photographs, diagrams, or other images illustrating the appearance or functionality of the technology. (If electronic, please provide a separate file.)
Please check one: Yes, images are attached. No images are attached. |
State of Development (30 points) |
Technologies must be successfully deployed in at least one State DOT. The TIG selection process will favor technologies that have advanced beyond the research stage, at least to the pilot deployment stage, and preferably into routine use. |
8. Please describe the history of the technology’s development.
9. For how long and in approximately how many applications has your State DOT used this technology?
10. What additional development is necessary to enable routine deployment of the technology?
11. Have other organizations used this technology? Please check one: Yes No
If so, please list organizations and contacts. |
Organization |
Name |
Phone |
E-mail |
Payoff Potential (30 points) |
Payoff is defined as the combination of broad applicability and significant benefit or advantage over other currently available technologies. |
12. How does the technology meet customer or stakeholder needs in your State DOT or other organizations that have used it?
13. What type and scale of benefits has your DOT realized from using this technology? Include cost savings, safety improvements, transportation efficiency or effectiveness, environmental benefits, or any other advantages over other existing technologies.
14. Please describe the potential extent of implementation in terms of geography, organization type (including other branches of government and private industry) and size, or other relevant factors. How broadly might the technology be deployed?
Market Readiness (30 points) |
The TIG selection process will favor technologies that can be adopted with a reasonable amount of effort and cost, commensurate with the payoff potential. |
15. What actions would another organization need to take to adopt this technology?
16. What is the estimated cost, effort, and length of time required to deploy the technology in another organization?
17. What resources—such as technical specifications, training materials, and user guides—are already available to assist deployment?
18. What organizations currently supply and provide technical support for the technology?
19. Please describe any legal, environmental, social, intellectual property, or other barriers that might affect ease of implementation.