Background and Overview
The Domestic Scan Program is a broad program and considers any innovative practices of high-performing transportation agencies that could be beneficially adopted by other interested agencies. Each scan will span a one- to two-week period and entail visits to two to six sites, possibly geographically dispersed. The program includes annual cycles of topic selection, scans, and documentation. This program is funded through the NCHRP Project 20-68A.
The Scan teams typically consists of 8 to 12 members from AASHTO member agencies, possible academia, FHWA, industry, and other public organizations involved in that specific topic. The schedule, from solicitation to final scan report, is envisioned to be typically 12 to 15 months.
The purpose of each scan and of the program as a whole is to facilitate information sharing and technology exchange among the states and other transportation agencies, and identify actionable items of common interest.
For more information, please visit the Domestic Scan program website at