US Domestic Scan

List of Submitted Proposals

Below are proposals that have been submitted for consideration by the NCHRP 20-68A project panel.

If you need to update, change, or remove a proposal, please contact

Name: Payam Vosoughi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: 5a, 3c
Title of Scan: Extended Life Concrete Pavement Using Internally Cured Concrete
File: VosoughiP_Caltrans_CY2021.doc
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Payam Vosoughi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: 5a, 3c
Title of Scan: Extended Life Concrete Pavement Using Internally Cured Concrete
File: VosoughiP_Caltrans_CY2021.doc
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Wilson Nguyen
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Caltrans
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Design and Construction of Pavements with Recycled Materials
File: NguyenW_Caltrans_CY2021.pdf
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Daniela Bremmer
Title of Scan: Best practices for testing, piloting, and monitoring of automated transportation solutions
File: BremmerD_CTSO_WSDOT _CY2021 .docx
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Said Ismail
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Transportation System Operations
Title of Scan: Use of AI/ML in Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO)
File: AASHTO Scan - TrafficManagement-ai-ml CY2021 2021.11.04.docx
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Said Ismail
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Transportation System Operations
Title of Scan: Cybersecurity from CV to TMC and Beyond
File: AASHTO Scan - Cybersecurity - CY2022 - 2021.11.04.docx
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Sri Balasubramanian
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Right of Way, Utilities and OAC
Title of Scan: Outdoor Advertising Enforcement
File: AASHTO Scan - Outdoor Advertising - CY2022 2021.11.04.docx
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Brian Smith
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Federal Highway Adminstration
Title of Scan: Innovative practices in NPDES permitting and 303(d) waters de-listing
File: AASHTO Scan Proposal 2021-FHWA.docx
Date: 11/05/2021

Name: Thomas P. Macioce
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Practical Engineering Solutions to Improve Resiliency of Bridges and Highways
File: MacioceT_PennDOT_CY2021 .docx
Date: 11/5/2021

Name: Xiaohua "Hannah" Cheng, Ph.D., P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: NJDOT
Title of Scan: Practices of Design, Evaluation and Maintenance of Pedestrian Bridges
File: CHENG-XH2021104_NJDOT_CY2021.docx
Date: 11/04/2021

Name: Jeremy Thompson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Ohio DOT/Local Road Safety
Title of Scan: Advances in Equitable Decision Making
File: ThompsonJ_OhioDOT_CY2021.docx
Date: 11/03/2021

Name: Mike Halloran
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Dept of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices on Direct Force Bridge Maintenance
File: HalloranM_MDOT_CY2021.docx
Date: 11/03/2021

Name: Bryan Cawley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Right-of-Way Use for Clean Energy and Connectivity (CEC)
File: CawleyB3 FHWA CY2021.docx
Date: 11/01/2021

Name: Bryan Cawley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Digital Construction Management
File: CawleyB2 FHWA CY2021.docx
Date: 11/1/2021

Name: Bryan Cawley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Highway Workforce STEM & Technical Trades: Recruitment, Development, and Retention
File: CawleyB1 FHWA CY2021.docx
Date: 11/1/2021

Name: Casey Soneira
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Committee on Right of Way, Utilities, and Outdoor Advertising Control
Title of Scan: Maximizing Connected And Autonomous Vehicle (Cav) Success With Strategic Utility Facility Accommodation
File: McCleve_AASHTOCRUO_CY2021.docx
Date: 11/01/2021

Name: Bijan Khaleghi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT - T-5
Title of Scan: Redundancy in Bridges for safety and functionality in a Multi-Hazard Environment
File: Redundancy in Bridges for safety and functionality in a Multi-Hazard Environment.docx
Date: 10/31/2021

Name: Bijan Khaleghi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: T-4, T-9, T-10, T-18
Title of Scan: Long-term Performance of balanced cantilever segmentally constructed concrete bridges
File: Performance of balanced cantilever segmental bridges-Bijan Khaleghi.docx
Date: 10/31/2021

Name: Bijan Khaleghi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT - T-4 and T-10
Title of Scan: Performance evaluation of concrete bridge decks constructed with innovative designs, materials, and construction methods
File: Performance evaluation of concrete bridge decks constructed with innovative designs, materials, and construction methods.docx
Date: 10/31/2021

Name: Matthew Hardy
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Committee on Performance-Based Management
Title of Scan: Leading Practices for Implementing an Organizational Mission that Supports Societal Goals
File: HardyM_AASHTO_CY2021.docx
Date: 10/29/2021

Name: Casey Soneira
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Committee on Right of Way, Utilities, and Outdoor Advertising Controls
Title of Scan: Maximizing Connected And Autonomous Vehicle (Cav) Success With Strategic Utility Facility Accommodation
File: Domestic Scan CY2021 Autonomous Connected Vehicles Utility Accommodation.docx
Date: 10/28/2021

Name: Purushotham Pakala
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Structural performance monitoring of Bridges constructed off-site and moved into place
File: PakalaP_MDOT_CY2022.pdf
Date: 10/26/2021

Name: Bijan Khaleghi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: T9, T10, T18
Title of Scan: Long-term Performance of span segmentally constructed concrete bridges
File: Domestic Scan-Performance of balanced cantilever segmental bridges-Bijan Khaleghi.docx
Date: 10/30/2020

Name: Vaughn Nelson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Implementation of Context Classification of Roadways
File: nelsonv_udot_CY2021.doc
Date: 10/29/2020

Name: Tim Henkel
Agency/AASHTO Committee: MnDOT/Council on Highways & Streets
Title of Scan: Tools, Methods, and Strategies for Setting Project Development Budgets – U.S. Best Practices
File: HenkelDomesticScan_MNDOT_CY2020.docx
Date: 10/29/2020

Name: Janet Geissler
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Automated Wheelchair Securement
File: GeisslerJ_MDOT_CY2021.doc
Date: 10/29/2020

Name: Amanda Holland / Lee Wilkinson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: HR Committee
Title of Scan: Agency Resilience During Periods of Disruption
File: HollandA_AASHTO-CY2021.docx
Date: 10/27/2020

Name: David Dubov-Flinn
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO
Title of Scan: TEST ONLY - Please delete
File: Test only_092820.pdf
Date: 09/28/2020

Name: Bijan Khaleghi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: T5, T14
Title of Scan: Redundancy in Bridges for Safety Security and Functionality
File: Redundancy in Bridges for SafetySecurity and Functionality_Bijan Khaleghi.doc
Date: 09/25/2020

Name: Marlon Spinks
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Committee on Right of Way, Utilities, and Outdoor Advertising Controls
Title of Scan: Maximizing Connected And Autonomous Vehicle (Cav) Success With Strategic Utility Facility Accommodation
File: mccleve J_AASHTO_CY2020_autonomous connected vehicles utility accomodation.docx
Date: 10/24/2019

Name: Christopher D Schmidt
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois Department of Transportation/Environmental and sustainability
Title of Scan: Use of Solar Photovoltaic Systems In The Right-Of-Way
File: SchmidtChristopherD_IDOT_CY2020.docx
Date: 10/24/2019

Name: Caroline Kieltyka
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Special Committee on Freight
Title of Scan: Implementing Reservation System Technologies for Truck Parking at State Facilities
File: PateR_WSDOT_CY2020.docx
Date: 10/24/2019

Name: Sam Fallaha
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FDOT
Title of Scan: Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Highway Structures
File: FallahaS_FDOT_CY2020.docx
Date: 10/24/2019

Name: Chad Allen
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Committee on Performance Based Management
Title of Scan: Best Practices For Developing, Implementing And Maintaining An Effective Bridge Management System
File: AllenC_VAOT_CY2020_final.docx
Date: 10/14/2019

Name: Neil J Lacey
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Colorado DOT/Committee on Design
Title of Scan: Implementation of Subsurface Utility Engineering - Best Practices from Experienced State DOT's
File: NCHRP Proposed Scan CY 2019 Subsurface Utility Engineering Best Practices.docx
Date: 10/01/2018

Name: Amanda Holland
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Agency Administration
Title of Scan: Strategic Workforce Management
File: HollandA_AASHTO_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Dana Glover
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Organizational Management Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Implementing Continuous Process Improvement Initiatives
File: GloverD_TXDOT_CY2019.doc
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Darryll Dockstader
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida DOT
Title of Scan: Best Practices In Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity Measurement And Management
File: DockstaderJ3_FDOT_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Tim Cunningham
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maintenance Committee
Title of Scan: Equipment Management Organizational Approaches
File: CunninghamT2_COM_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Tim Cunningham
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Committee on Maintenance
Title of Scan: Equipment Asset Preservation and Protection Techniques
File: CunninghamT1_COM_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Darryll Dockstader
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida DOT
Title of Scan: Best Practices In Preventing Wrong Way Entry Onto Limited Access Facilities
File: DockstaderJ2_FDOT_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Darryll Dockstader
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida DOT
Title of Scan: Lessons Learned From Early Implementation Of Pavements MAP21 Requirements
File: DockstaderJ1_FDOT_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Darryll Dockstader
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida DOT
Title of Scan: Effectiveness Of The Use Of Cathodic Protection (Cp) To Extend The Service Life Of Bridges
File: DockstaderJ_FDOT_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Caleb Dobbins
Agency/AASHTO Committee: NHDOT/COM
Title of Scan: Performance Measure Best Practices For Winter Maintenance
File: DobbinsC_NHDOT_CY2019.doc
Date: 09/28/2018

Name: Kevin Bartoy
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Environment and Sustainability
Title of Scan: Successful Approaches To The Development, Integration, And Implemention Of Sustainability Initiatives Within Transportation Agencies
File: BartoyK_WSDOT_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/27/2018

Name: Andre Fillastre
Agency/AASHTO Committee: LADOTD/CET
Title of Scan: Advanced Signal Hardware And Timing Using ATSPM Scan
File: FillastreA_LADOTD_CY2019.docx
Date: 9/27/2018

Name: Chris Slesar
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Vermont
Title of Scan: Fostering An Environmental Stewardship Ethic Within A DOT Through Innovative Programs, Agreements, Practices, And Technologies
File: SlesarC_VTRANS_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/26/2018

Name: Jason DeRuyver
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan DOT
Title of Scan: Best Practices For Detailing Bridge Ends And Approach Pavements To Limit Distress And Deterioration
File: DeRuyverJ_MichiganDOT_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/26/2018

Name: Ron Pate
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Special Committee on Freight
Title of Scan: Truck Parking Availability
File: PateR_WSDOT_CY2019 (2).docx
Date: 09/25/2018

Name: Ron Pate
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Special Committee on Freight
Title of Scan: Freight Industry Supply Chain Inefficiencies
File: PateR_WSDOT_CY2019 (1).docx
Date: 09/25/2018

Name: Karyn Vandervoort
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA-PA
Title of Scan: Innovative Financing: Management of Federal Funds
File: VandervoortK3_FHWAPA_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/17/2018

Name: Karyn Vandervoort
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA-PA
Title of Scan: Innovative Contracting: Uncovering the Shouldering of Risk
File: VandervoortK2_FHWAPA_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/17/2018

Name: Karyn Vandervoort
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA-PA
Title of Scan: Identification of Data Collection Methods for All Infrastructure Assets (Beyond Pavements and Bridges)
File: VandervoortK1_FHWAPA_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/17/2018

Name: Karyn Vandervoort
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Innovative Financing: Management of Federal Funds
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Form_Innovative Financing.docx
Date: 09/07/2018

Name: Karyn Vandervoort
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Innovative Contracting: Uncovering the Shouldering of Risk
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Form_Innovative Contracting.docx
Date: 09/07/2018

Name: Karyn Vandervoort
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Identification of Data Collection Methods for All Infrastructure Assets (beyond Pavements and Bridges)
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Form_AssetMgt.docx
Date: 09/07/2018

Name: Brian Hinman
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Caltrans
Title of Scan: Bidder Selection of Trenchless Means and Methods
File: HinmanB3_Caltrans_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/06/2018

Name: Brian Hinman
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Caltrans
Title of Scan: Mandatory Pre-Bid Exploratory Core Viewing
File: HinmanB2_Caltrans_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/06/2018

Name: Brian Hinman
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Caltrans
Title of Scan: Pile Tip Grouting of Deep Foundations
File: HinmanB1_Caltrans_CY2019.docx
Date: 09/06/2018

Name: Bijan Khaleghi, PhD, PE, SE
Agency/AASHTO Committee: T-20
Title of Scan: Maintenance, Preservation, and Operations Practices of Large Tunnel Projects.
File: Domestic Scan-Maintenance, Preservation, and Operations Practices of Lar....doc
Date: 08/19/2018

Name: Daryl StClair
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PennDOT, SCOH
Title of Scan: Alternative Contracting
File: stclaird_PennDOT_CY2019.docx
Date: 8/17/18

Name: Jennifer Lloyd
Agency/AASHTO Committee: SCOD
Title of Scan: 3D Modeling
File: LloydJenniferK_TDOT_CY2018.doc
Date: 09/29/17

Name: Cheryl Hersh Simmons
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Hydrodemolition for Partial Depth Removal of Bridge Decks
File: HershSimmonsC_UDOT_CY2018.docx
Date: 09/29/2017

Name: Charles Hebson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TC Hydrology Hydraulics
Title of Scan: Successful Practices By State Dots For The Implementation Of Geomorphic-Based Design For Fish Passage Through Culverts And Bridges
File: HebsonCharlesS_MaineDOT_CY2018.doc
Date: 09/29/2017

Name: Barbara Davis
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FDOT
Title of Scan: Leading Practices in Traffic Forecasting for Express Lanes
File: DavisB_FDOT_CY2018.doc
Date: 09/29/2017

Name: Jon Wilcoxson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maintenance Committee
Title of Scan: Innovations In Equipment Management Organizational Approaches At State Transportation Agencies
File: CunninghamT2_SCOM_CY2018.docx
Date: 09/28/2017

Name: Jon Wilcoxson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maintenance Committee
Title of Scan: Equipment Asset Preservation And Protection Techniques
File: CunninghamT1_SCOM_CY2018.docx
Date: 09/28/2017

Name: Patrick Zelinski
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO TSO
Title of Scan: Institutionalizing Collaboration And Cooperation In Maintenance, Operations, And Traffic Engineering To Support The Transition To New And Emerging Transportation Technologies
File: ZelinskiP_AASHTO_CY2017.docx
Date: 09/28/2017

Name: Caleb B. Dobbins
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maintenance (member)
Title of Scan: Performance Measures For Winter Maintenance
File: Domestic Scan Proposal for Winter Performance Measures-CY2018.docx
Date: 09/28/2017

Name: Tyler Laing
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah DOT
Title of Scan: Automated Variable Speed Limit Systems
File: LaingT_UtahDOT_CY2018.doc
Date: 09/27/2017

Name: Brad Darr
Agency/AASHTO Committee: NDDOT- Committee on Maintenance
Title of Scan: Successful Approaches for Maintenance Support Facility layout and Operation
File: DarrB_NDDOT_CY2018.docx
Date: 09/21/2017

Name: Sam Fallaha
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FDOT
Title of Scan: Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) For Transportation Structures
File: FallahaS_FDOT_CY2018_FRC.docx
Date: 08/25/2017

Name: Sharon Edgar
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan DOT/SCOPT/SCOP
Title of Scan: Accommodating Additional Modes In Existing Right Of Way
File: EdgarSharonL-MichiganDOT_CY2017.docx
Date: 10/14/2016

Name: Jeff Milton
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Subcommittee on Maintenance and AASHTO Standing Committee on Aviation
Title of Scan: Defining State DOT Needs for Unmanned Aerial Systems for Bridge Condition Assessmentt
File: Milton J_AASHTO SCOM_CY2017.docx
Date: 10/14/2016

Name: Timothy E. Barnett
Title of Scan: Road Safety Workforce Capacity Building Opportunities
File: BarnettT_ALDOT_CY2017.docx
Date: 10/13/2016

Name: Robert J. Pento
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PennDOT
Title of Scan: Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Technology/CVISN Scan
File: PentoRobertJ_PennDOT_CY2017.docx
Date: 10/13/2016

Name: Brad Darr
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Maintenance Support FacilitySite layout and Dsign Features to promote Safe, Effficient Operation, and Environmental Stewardship
File: DarrB_NDDOT_CY2017.docx
Date: 10/12/2016

Name: Cassandra Isackson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: MnDOT/Standing Committee on Aviation
Title of Scan: Best Practices in AIP management
File: LastNameFirst Initial_Organization_CY2017.docx
Date: 9/20/16

Name: Tom Baker
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT/SCOBS
Title of Scan: Performance of Bearings and Expansion Joints used for Highway Bridges
File: BakertT - KhaleghiB_ WSDOT-3_CY2017.docx
Date: 9/13/16

Name: Tom Baker
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT/SCOBS
Title of Scan: Design and Construction Management Practices of Large Size Roadway Tunnel Projects
File: BakertT-KhaleghiB_ WSDOT-2_CY2017.docx
Date: 9/13/16

Name: Tom Baker
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT/SCOBS
Title of Scan: Bridges of the Future
File: BakerT - KhaleghiB_WSDOT-1_CY2017.docx
Date: 9/13/16

Name: Bryan Cawley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA, AASHTO Subcommittee on Maintenance, and AASHTO Subcommittee on Construction
Title of Scan: Unmanned Arial Vehicles In Highway Construction And Maintenance
File: CawleyB_FHWA_CY2017.docx
Date: 08/31/2016

Name: John Milton
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Washington State Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Using the Highway Safety Manual for decisions in planning, design and operations
File: MiltonJ_WSDOT_CY2016-ForSubmittal 2.doc
Date: 10/15/2015

Name: Robert J. Pento, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PennDOT
Title of Scan: Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Technology/CVISN
File: PentoR_PENNDOT_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/15/2015

Name: Keith Robinson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Caltrans/Landscape And Environmental Design (AFB40)
Title of Scan: Roadside Sustainability
File: RobinsonK3_Caltrans_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/15/2015

Name: Brad Eldridge
Agency/AASHTO Committee: KYTC/SCOD
Title of Scan: Different Procurement Methods with a Limited DOT Workforce
File: EldridgeBradleyS_KYTC_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/15/15

Name: Denise Markow
Agency/AASHTO Committee: SCOTSEM
File: MarkowD_AASHTO_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/15/2015

Name: Richard McDonough
Agency/AASHTO Committee: NYSDOT/AASHTO CV Deployment Coalition for V2I
Title of Scan: Connected Vehicle Testbed - Synthesis of Current Status and Best Practices
File: McDonoughR_NYSDOT_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/15/2015

Name: Keith Robinson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Landscape and Environmental Design (AFB40)
Title of Scan: Cost Effective Highway Roadside Water Management
File: RobinsonK2_Caltrans_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/14/2015

Name: Keith Robinson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Caltrans/Landscape And Environmental Design (AFB40)
Title of Scan: Sustainability Transportation Practices
File: RobinsonK_Caltrans_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/14/2015

Name: Lorenzo Parra
Title of Scan: Processess for Acquisition and Deployment of Advanced Traffic Managemnt Systems.Advanced Traveler Information Systems
File: parra_aashto_cy2016.doc
Date: 10/14/2015

Name: Sarah Simonson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Effectively Controlling Outdoor Advertising
File: WisDOT domestic scan outdoor ads.doc
Date: 10/14/2015

Name: Robert Miles
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Wrong-Way Driving Detection, Notification, and Mitigation
File: MilesR_UDOT_CY2016.doc
Date: 10/14/2015

Name: David Jared
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Georgia Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices of the Use of Ground Tire Rubber to Modify Asphalt Binder and Pavements
File: Domestic_Scan_Submittal_1_GDOT.doc
Date: 10/14/2015

Name: Joe Segale
Agency/AASHTO Committee: VTrans/SCOP
Title of Scan: Working the Plan
File: SegaleJ_AASHTO_CY2016.doc
Date: 09/30/2015

Name: Mike Bruff
Agency/AASHTO Committee: NCDOT
Title of Scan: Identifying the Appropriate Level of Project Level Travel Forecast
File: BruffM_NCDOT_CY2016.doc
Date: 08/25/2015

Name: Gregg Dal Ponte
Agency/AASHTO Committee: COHT
Title of Scan: Advances in automated VMT-based heavy truck highway use tax report data collection, tax return preparation and electronic submission with accompanying payment.
File: DalponteG_ODOT_CY2016.doc
Date: 08/17/2015

Name: Brian Gage
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Minnesota DOT
Title of Scan: Long Term Capital Programming in a World of Short Term Funding
File: GageB_MnDOT_CY2016.doc
Date: 07/01/2015

Name: Tim Craggs
Agency/AASHTO Committee: California DOT/AASHTO SCOD
Title of Scan: Cycle Tracks in the US
File: CraggsT_CALTRANS_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/17/2014

Name: John Nisbet
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Title of Scan: U.S Domestic Scan to provide a summary of best practices/procedures that are associated with state of the practice in Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) activities, benefits and costs associated with implementation and long term legacy impacts to operation and maintain these systems.
File: NisbetJ_WADOT_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/16/2014

Name: Rik Hinton
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Idaho Transportation Department
Title of Scan: Winter Performance Measuring System
File: HintonR_ITD_CY2015.docx
Date: 10/15/2014

Name: David Boruff
Agency/AASHTO Committee: INDOT/SCOTE
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Pedestrian Crossings on High Speed Roadways
File: BoruffD__INDOT_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/15/2014

Name: Rebecca Curtis
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Monitoring, Mitigation and Risk Management of Scour Critical and Scour Susceptible Bridges
File: CurtisR_MichiganDOT_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/15/2014

Name: Maurice Palumbo
Agency/AASHTO Committee: SCOTE
Title of Scan: Best Practices in the Use of Traffic Control Devices for Electronic Toll Collection
File: PalumboM_GGBHTD_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/14/14

Name: Darryll Dockstader
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Bridge Recoating Best Practices
File: FDOT Domestic Scan Proposal CY2015.doc
Date: 10/14/2014

Name: Linda Narigon
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Iowa DOT
Title of Scan: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
File: NarigonL1_IADOT_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/13/2014

Name: Richard Zamora
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Colorado DOT/Subcommittee on Design
Title of Scan: Incorporation of Risk Management Principles in Transportation Program Delivery
File: ZamoraR_CDOT_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/09/2014

Name: Robert Wight
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Construction
Title of Scan: Practices to develop and maintain competence in Construction Inspectors
File: wightr_UDOT_CY2015.doc
Date: 10/06/2014

Name: Cindy VanDyke
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Georgia Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: (Project-level) Traffic Forecasting Best Practices
File: vandykec_GDOT_Organization_CY2015.docx
Date: 09/19/14

Name: Bill Lambert
Agency/AASHTO Committee: New Hampshire DOT
Title of Scan: No-Passing Zone Criteria, other than sight distance
File: Domestic Scan Tour proposal_passing zones.doc
Date: 09/18/2014

Name: Richard Tetreault
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Vermont Agency of Transportation/Stnading Committee on Highways
Title of Scan: Assessing and Measuring PS&E Quality
File: PologrutoM_VAOT_CY_2014.doc
Date: 10/29/2013

Name: Bijan Khaleghi
Agency/AASHTO Committee: T-9, T-14, T-18
Title of Scan: Best Practices In Rehabilitation Of Highway Truss Bridges For Safety And Functionality
File: WSDOT Domestic Scan Proposal 2013.doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Name: Brian J. Smith
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT/SCOP
Title of Scan: Intermodal Corridor Management for Suistainable System Performance
File: SmithB_AASHTO_CY 2014.doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Name: Victoria Peters
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Highways
Title of Scan: Successful Implementation Strategies for Sustainability Practices within DOTs
File: HausslerT1_FHWA_CY 2014 (2).doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Name: Darryll Dockstader
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Assessing Relative Operational Efficiencies of Integrated Logistic Centers/Inland Ports and/or Expanded Dockside Operations/Linkages
File: NCHRP_Form Ports 2013.doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Name: Gabe Rousseau
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA/Office of Safety
Title of Scan: Innovative Bicycle Facility Design: Best Practices for Safety and Wider Implementation
File: Rousseau_FHWA_CY2014.doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Name: Leni Oman
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT/SCOFA
Title of Scan: Factors for duccess in developing and implementing revenue solutions
File: OmanL_WSDOT_CY 2014.doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Name: Andrew Wishnia
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA/Office of Safety
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Setting Joint Safety Targets
File: WishniaA_FHWA_CY2014.doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Name: Nancy Boyd
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Washington State DOT/SCOH
Title of Scan: Implementing Practical Design into Multimodal Project Planning, Design, and Delivery
File: BoydNancyF_WSDOT_CY2014.doc
Date: 10/15/2013

Agency/AASHTO Committee: Georgia DOT/ SCOM
Title of Scan: Best practices in determining funding levels for maintenance and preservation
File: DomesticScanProposalForm_CY 2014_SCOM Pavement TWG vf.doc
Date: 10/14/2013

Name: Rebecca Curtis
Agency/AASHTO Committee: MDOT/SCOBS T-18
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Monitoring, Mitigation and Risk Management of Scour Critical and Scour Susceptible Bridges
File: CurtisR_MDOT_CY 2014.doc
Date: 10/14/2013

Name: Lorenzo G. Parra
Agency/AASHTO Committee: MassDOT/SCOTSEM
Title of Scan: Acquisition and Deployment of Advanced Traffic Management Systems/Advanced Traveler Information Systems
File: ParraL_AASHTO_CY2014.doc
Date: 10/14/2013

Name: Susan C. Jones, PE
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA/ADC10
Title of Scan: Developing Programmatic Agreements and Improving Project Delivery by Utilizing Green Infrastructure for Stream Stabilization Projects
File: JonesS_FHWA_CY2014.doc
Date: 10/01/2013

Name: Douglas W. Bish
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Oregon DOT
Title of Scan: Local Rural Roads Safety
File: BishD_OregonDOT_CY2014.doc
Date: 10/2/2013

Name: Todd Jensen
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices In States / Organizations With Successful Quality Plans and Programs
File: DomesticScanProposalForm_2014 Quality.doc
Date: 09/26/2013

Name: Jeff Casper
Agency/AASHTO Committee: NCHRP 20-68A
Title of Scan: Casper J_UDOT_CY 2014 Quality
File: Casper J_UDOT_CY 2014 Quality .doc
Date: 9/29/2013

Name: Todd Jensen
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices In States / Organizations With Successful Quality Plans and Programs
File: DomesticScanProposalForm_2014 Quality.doc
Date: 09/26/2013

Name: Matt Mueller
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois DOT
Title of Scan: Lane Demarcation
File: MuellerM_AASHTO_CY2014.doc
Date: 09/12/2013

Name: Jeffrey Pouliotte
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures
Title of Scan: Bridge Recoating Best Practices
File: PoulJ_FDOT_CY2014.doc
Date: 09/10/2013

Name: Joe Dailey
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Federal Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Weather Responsive Traffic Management Including Variable Speed Limits
File: Scan Form CY 2013_conversionform WYO.doc
Date: 10/25/2012

Name: Karyn Vandervoort
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA-PA
Title of Scan: Finding The Path From Research To Deployment
File: Scan_Research.doc
Date: 10/25/2012

Name: Rod Lacy, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Kansas DOT
Title of Scan: Crash Cushions- Selection Crieteria, In-Service Perfromance, Maintenance
File: Proposal for AASHTO Domestic Scan - Crash Cushions RDL 2012.doc
Date: 10/16/2012

Name: Cynthia Gerst
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Ohio Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Freight Networks
File: CY2013 NCHRP Scan Freight.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Lorenzo G. Parra
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: ATMS/ATIS; Best Practices in Use and Deployment
File: aashtodomesticscan1012.lgp.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Kevin Griffin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Criteria For The Type Of Buildings Used For State DOT Maintenance/Salt Storage Facilities
File: LA 3431 - Scan Proposal - Criteria For Type Bldgs Used STDOT Maint-Salt Storage Fac - 10-2012.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Ahmad Jaber
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Enclosed Inspection Facilities
File: LA 3431 - Scan Proposal - Enclosed Inspection Facilites 10-2012.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Mark Greeley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Compliance With The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
File: Florida DOT Domestic Scan - Compliance With The Americans With Disabilities Act.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Bryan Cawley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Civil Integrated Management
File: CIM Domestic Scan Draft August 10.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Susan C. Jones
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Utilization Of Both Hard And Soft Engineering Practices For Stream Stabilization
File: Proposal for AASHTO Domestic Scan - HEPE - SCJ 2012.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Matthew Chynoweth
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Domestic Scan of Design and Construction of Ancillary Freeway Structures
File: Domestic Scan - Design and Construction of Ancillary Structures.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Georgene M Geary
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Georgia DOT/ SOM
Title of Scan: Long Life Concrete Pavement and Overlays
File: ConcretePavement Domestic Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 10/15/2012

Name: Dale Peabody
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Research Advisory Committee
Title of Scan: State of the Practice in FRP Composites in Transportation Infrastructure
File: domestic scan FRP state of the practice.doc
Date: 10/12/2012

Name: Mark Greeley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Florida Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Assessing Relative Competencies of Integrated Logistic Centers/Inland Ports versus Expanded Dockside Operations
File: FDOT Domestic Scan - ILC and Expanded Dockside Operations.doc
Date: 10/12/2012

Name: Brett Trautman
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Missouri DOT
Title of Scan: Domestic Technology Scan On Long-Life Concrete Pavements And Overlays
File: CY 2013 Domestic Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 10/12/2012

Name: Linda Narigon
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Iowa DOT
Title of Scan: Precast Concrete Pavement Systems
File: PCP Systems_ CY 2013_conversionform-.doc
Date: 10/11/2012

Name: Reginald Bazile
Agency/AASHTO Committee: District of Columbia DOT (DDOT)
Title of Scan: Restoring Utility Cuts
File: UtilityCut_Scan_Proposal.doc
Date: 10/10/2012

Name: Jennifer Toth
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Arizona DOT
Title of Scan: Best Management Practices For Developing A Cross-Trained Operations Workforce
File: Domestic Scan Proposal - Cross-trained workforce.doc
Date: 10/10/2012

Name: Erica Interrante
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Federal Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment
File: FHWA HPL_HPTS_Broadband Deployment.doc
Date: 10/10/2012

Name: Richard Manser
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Utility Tracking And Management Systems
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal 2013 Utility Tracking_2.doc
Date: 08/21/2012

Name: Steven J. Quinn
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices In Using GIS Technologies To Manage And Disseminate DOT Data
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal 2013 GIS_2.doc
Date: 08/21/2012

Name: Cassandra Isackson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: MnDOT
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Modal Project Management
File: NCHRP_Form.doc
Date: 11/15/2011

Name: Richard Manser
Agency/AASHTO Committee: UDOT DOT (UDOT)
Title of Scan: Utility Tracking and Management Systems
File: NCHRP_Form_UDOT 2011.doc
Date: 11/14/2011

Name: Priscilla Tobias
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois DOT/SCOHTS
Title of Scan: Noteworthy Practices of Zero Fatalities States
File: Domestic Scan - Noteworthy Practices of Zero Fatalities States.doc
Date: 11/14/2011

Name: Lori Dabling
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Dept of Transportation
Title of Scan: Knowledge Management Practices
File: NCHRP Knowledge Management Practice.doc
Date: 11/14/2011

Name: Robert Bini
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA, Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty
Title of Scan: Renewable Energy in Highway Rights of Way
File: NCHRP_Form Domestic Scan alt energy production 11.14.11.doc
Date: 11/14/2011

Name: Steven J. Quinn
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Dept of Transportation
Title of Scan: GIS - A Technology Looking for a Purpose
Date: 11/14/2011

Name: Steven J. Quinn
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Dept of Transportation
Title of Scan: Funding Systems & Technology Development
File: AASHTOFundingTechnology.doc
Date: 11/14/2011

Name: Ben Orsbon
Agency/AASHTO Committee: SCOFA
Title of Scan: Capturing Value Added by Transportation to Fund Improvements
File: Domestic Scan Value Added 2011.doc
Date: 11/14/2011

Name: Robert Copp
Agency/AASHTO Committee: California Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Institutional Challenges of Implementing Integrated Corridor Management (ICM)
File: Integrated Corridor Management Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 11/10/11

Name: Robert Copp
Agency/AASHTO Committee: California Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Conversions from High Occupancy Vehicle lanes to Congestion-priced Lanes
File: HOT lane conversion Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 11/10/11

Name: Sandi Kohrs
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Standing Committee on Planning
Title of Scan: Conducting a Trade-off Analysis Across Transportation Assets and Modes
File: Domestic Scan--cross asset analysis scan proposal.doc
Date: 11/10/2011

Name: Tim Ularich
Agency/AASHTO Committee: UDOT
Title of Scan: Outsourcing of Highway Maintenance Sections and Activities
File: AASHTO Scan Proposal Maintenance Outsourcing.doc
Date: 11/09/2011

Name: Ben Orsbon
Agency/AASHTO Committee: SCOFA/SCOP
Title of Scan: Best practices in capturing economic value for transportation improvements
File: Domestic Scan Value Added 2011.doc
Date: 11/9/2011

Name: Mark Greeley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FDOT
Title of Scan: Working Landscapes
File: SCAN - Working Landscapes.doc
Date: 11/09/2011

Name: Mark Greeley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FDOT
Title of Scan: Highway Beautification as a Tool to Benefit Businesses
File: SCAN - Highway Beautification as a Tool to Benefit Businesses.doc
Date: 11/09/2011

Name: Mark Greeley
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FDOT / Subcommittee on Design
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Pedestrian Crossings and Bicycle Accommodation in Multi-lane Roundabouts
File: SCAN - Best Practices for Pedestrian Crossings and Bicycle Accommodation in Multi-lane Roundabouts.doc
Date: 11/09/2011

Name: Mark Greeley
Title of Scan: Assessing Operations of In-land Ports versus Expanded Dockside Operations
File: SCAN - Assessing Operations of In-land Ports versus Expanded Dockside Operations.doc
Date: 11/09/2011

Name: Anwar Ahmad
Title of Scan: Successful Bridge Preservation Actions, Activities, and Strategies Across Different Regions of the United States
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal bridge preservation final 2011.doc
Date: 11/08/2011

Name: Robert Rocchio, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: RIDOT/SCOH-Traffic Engineering
Title of Scan: Best Practices in the Use of Signs and Pavement Markings at Roundabouts
File: RIDOT Proposal for AASHTO US Domestic Scan Program 11-08-11.doc
Date: 11/08/2011

Name: Lynn Bernhard
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Management Practices of Winter Operations on Mountain Passes
File: Domestic Scan Tour Proposal 2013 Mountain Pass Maintenance.doc
Date: 11/03/2011

Name: Matt Farrar
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Idaho / SCOBS T18 Chair
Title of Scan: Superload Permit Processes and Practices Used by State DOT Owners
File: NCHRP_domestic scan_permit processes t18 2011.doc
Date: 10/25/2011

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Traffic safety and operational Strategies for Livable Communities
File: Maryland_ FY2012 Traffic Management for Livable Communicty.doc
Date: 11/12/2010

Name: Ned Parrish
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Idaho Transportation Department
Title of Scan: Best practices in Forecasting Cash Flow on Construction Projects
File: Cash Forecasting Domestic Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 11/12/2010

Name: Connie Morrison
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Dept of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices for the Implementation, Communication, and Management of Complete Streets Integration
File: MDOT Complete Streets AASHTO.doc
Date: 11/10/2010

Name: Rick Collins, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TXDOT
Title of Scan: Managing Project Schedules
File: SCAN 1 Mgt Proj Scheds.doc
Date: 11/01/2010

Name: Rick Collins, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TXDOT
Title of Scan: Workload and Workforce Determinations
File: SCAN 2 Work Load & Force.doc
Date: 11/01/2010

Name: Rick Collins, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TXDOT
Title of Scan: Using Consultants in Project Construction
File: SCAN 3 Consultants in Proj Constr.doc
Date: 11/01/2010

Name: Rick Collins, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TXDOT
Title of Scan: Public Private Partnerships
File: SCAN 4 PPP.doc
Date: 11/01/2010

Name: Rick Collins, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TxDOT
Title of Scan: Environmental Process
File: SCAN Env Process.doc
Date: 11/01/2010

Name: Justin C. Smith
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Title of Scan: Implementing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)/High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes
File: NCHRP_Form_HOT Domestic Scan.doc
Date: 11/01/2010

Name: Bijan Khaleghi, PE, PhD
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures
Title of Scan: Domestic Scan on the Performance of ABC Connections in Bridges Subjected to Multi Hazard and Extreme Events
File: DomesticABCScan SCOBS 2010.doc
Date: 08/31/2010

Name: Matt Mueller
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois Dept of Transportation
Title of Scan: Control of non-domestic steel and iron products in highway construction
File: NCHRP_Form.doc
Date: 10/11/2010

Name: Tracy Conti
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Utah DOT
Title of Scan: Best management practices of privatized maintenance functions
File: AASHTO Scan Tour 2010.doc
Date: 08/11/2010

Name: Karen Yunk
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Performance-based HSIP Planning
File: HSIP Domestic Scan 2011.doc
Date: 1-27-10

Name: Becky Crowe
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Projects that Promote Livability
File: SRTS Domestic Scan 2011.doc
Date: 1/25/10

Name: Michael Onder
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Smart Roadside
File: 2011 Domestic Scan - SRI.doc
Date: 02/02/2010

Name: Paul Jodoin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Traffic Incident Management
File: Scan Tour CAD and PM.doc
Date: 01/29/2010

Name: Marsha Fiol
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Virginia Dept of Transportation
Title of Scan: Risk-Based Forecasts of Land Volatility for Corridor Management and Sustainable Communities
File: Risk Based Corridor Scan Proposal 11_11_09.doc
Date: 11/13/09

Name: Russell A. Yurek
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Sub-Committee on Maintenance
Title of Scan: FY2011 Domestic Scan Program
File: us domestic scan.doc
Date: 11/12/09

Name: Pete Zaniewski
Agency/AASHTO Committee: California Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best practices in expediting the delivery of railroad parcels for road construction projects.
File: Domestic Scan CaDOT.doc
Date: 11/12/2009

Name: Kelly A. Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Innovative ITS Technologies to improve Work Zone Communication and Safety
File: 2009_WorkZoneITS.doc
Date: 10/27/2009

Name: Kelly A. Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Incident Management Programs and Best Practices
File: 2009_IncidentManagement.doc
Date: 10/27/2009

Name: Robbin Cabelus
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Addressing Parking Needs of Non-Resident Users of Transit Stations in TOD's
File: Best Practices in Addressing Parking Needs of Non-Resident Users of Transit Stations in TODs.doc
Date: 10/20/2009

Name: Tom Baker
Agency/AASHTO Committee: WSDOT / SOM
Title of Scan: Performance of Porous Pavements
File: Porous Pavements 2009.doc
Date: 10/05/2009

Name: Ed Hughes
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Buy America Federal & State Requirements
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal 2009.doc
Date: 09/02/09

Name: John P. Miller
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Missouri Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Implementing Road Safety Assessments and Low-Cost Countermeasures
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal - Missouri.doc
Date: 11/20/2008

Name: Hannah Schell
Agency/AASHTO Committee: MTO
Title of Scan: Transverse Cracking Scan
File: Transverse cracking scan MTO.doc
Date: 11/17/2008

Name: Morris Oliver
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Federal Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Successful Strategies for Motorcycle Safety
File: Dom-Scan-Proposal FY2010-Motorcycle Safety-FHWA Safety-FINAL.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Kevin Thompson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Tunnel Committee
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Roadway Tunnels
File: DomesticScanT-20.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Tracy K White
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Oregon DOT
Title of Scan: Highway Approach (Access) Inventory for System and Asset Management
File: AASHTO Scan AM Inventory.doc
Date: 11/14/08

Name: Kelly Lucas
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO R/W and Utilities Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Use of Visualization Technology for Land Acquisition
File: MoDOT Visualization proposal.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Thomas Pelnik
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Virginia Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Design Build Projects – Design Quality Management Plans
File: DomesticScanProposal_DB_Design_Oversight_20081114.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Thomas Saad
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA, AASHTO T-5 member
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Providing Bridge Safety and Servicability
File: 2010 Domestic Scan Proposal - Bridge Safety and Servicability.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Gerald L. Solomon
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA/AASHTO ROW and Utility Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Right-of-Way and Design-Build Best Practices
File: FHWA HEP Right of Way Design Build Scan.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Kelly Lucas
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO R/W and Utilities Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Disposal of Excess Land
File: Proposed Scan Excess Disposal.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Christopher Waszczuk
Agency/AASHTO Committee: New Hampshire DOT
Title of Scan: Innovative Financing Practices for State Departments of Transportation
File: NH2010 - Innovative Financing Practices for State Departments of Transportation.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Ann Pahnke
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best practices in transportation information services
File: FY2010 Domestic Scan- Best practices in transportation info services.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Katiann Wong-Murillo
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center
Title of Scan: Environmental Justice Becomes Sweet Sixteen—How E.O. 12898 has grown and how can it be improved.
File: AASHTO Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Larry Tibbits
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Accelerated Bridge Construction Utilizing Precast Bridge Elements
File: SCAN Accelerated Construction with Precast Elements.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Kelly A. Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Emergency Operations and Traffic Operations: Getting the most out of Emergency Operations Center and Traffic Management Center coordination
File: 2008TOC-EOC.doc
Date: 11/11/2008

Name: Thomas Hicks
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Calming Expressways and Other Major High-Speed Rural Roads
File: Maryland State Highway 2010 Domestic Scan Submission.doc
Date: 11/10/2008

Name: Thomas P. Macioce
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures
Title of Scan: Quality of Consultant Designs
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal - Quality of Consultant Designs.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Thomas P. Macioce
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures
Title of Scan: Quality of Bridge Designs
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal - Quality of Bridge Design.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Kerry Petrasic
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Modular Block Walls
File: AASHTO Form - Modular Block Walls.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Kerry Petrasic
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Geotextile Separation for Pavements
File: AASHTO Form - Geotextile Separation for Pavements.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Dick Albin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Streamlining Safety Project Implementation
File: Safety Program Scan final 11-3-08.doc
Date: 11/03/2008

Name: Gerald L. Kennedy
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA IA Division
Title of Scan: Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies and Application
File: FHWA IA Division Domestic Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 10/31/2008

Name: Rod Massman
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Missouri DOT
Title of Scan: Best practices in the treatment of pedestrian access at signalized vehicle highway/rail crossings.
File: Blank Form.doc
Date: 10/08/08

Name: Larry Tibbits
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Context Sensitive Design Solutions for Lane Departure Strategies
File: Lane Depature AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 10/03/2008

Name: Dick Albin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO TC on Non Motorized Transportation
Title of Scan: Assistant State Design Engineer
File: NCHRP ConMain-TCD Dom Scan.doc
Date: 11/13/2007

Name: Brett Graves
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Contactor to FHWA
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal Form_NTIMC_110907.doc
Date: 11/13/2007

Name: James Cheatham
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Director Office of Planning
File: AASHTO 2009 Domestic Scan Proposal HEPP1.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Rebecca Lupes
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Environmental Protection Specialist
File: AASHTO 2009 Domestic Scan Proposal HEPE.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Jim Gutierrez, PhD, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: California Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Implementation of California Department of Transportation Seismic Retrofit Program
File: Caltrans Seismic Scan.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Peter Weykamp
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Maintenance/Bridge Task Force
Title of Scan: Bridge Maintenance Program Engineer
File: AASHTO DOMESTIC SCAN - Bridge Maintenance.doc
Date: 11/9/2007

Name: Jason Harrington, Recycling Engineer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Federal Highway Administration
Title of Scan: State Transportation Agency Use of Coal Combustion Products in Highway Infrastructure
File: CCP Scan.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Agency/AASHTO Committee: US DOT/FHWA
Title of Scan: Environmental Stewardship
File: STA-Usage-of-Re-Used-Recycled&Alternative-materials.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Ed Strocko
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations
Title of Scan: Implementing Freight Related Air Quality Improvement Projects
File: Implementing Freight Related Air Quality Improvement Projects.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Ewa Flom
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA/Office of Safety
Title of Scan: Safety R&T Program Coordinator
File: Domestic Scan Proposal - Roadside Safety-Final.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Jeff Hisem
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Ohio Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Administrator, Office of Estimating
File: AASHTO_Scan_Form_Bundling.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Jeff Hisem
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Ohio Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Administrator, Office of Estimating
File: AASHTO_Scan_ Form_forecasting.doc
Date: 11/9/07

Name: Kelly Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: System Operations and Electrical Maintenance Chief
File: VII State of the Practice Scan Tour.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Kelly Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: System Operations and Electrical Maintenance Chief
File: MultiState Scan Tour of TMC Custom Users.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Stephanie M. Stoermer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Identifying Best Tribal Consultation Practices in the Context of Transportation Projects
File: Tribal Consultation Scan Tour.doc
Date: 11/09/07

Name: Louis N. Triandafilou
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center - Baltimore
Title of Scan: Senior Structural Engineer
File: Lou T-FRP Deck Scan.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Eric E. Harm
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Deputy Director/Assistant Chief Engineer
File: Domestic Scan1 (2).doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: J. Jeffrey Seiders, Jr.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TxDOT SOM member
Title of Scan: Director of Materials & Pavements TxDOT
File: Domestic Scan1.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Rob Elliott
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center
Title of Scan: Ability to React to Emergency Highway Replacement Needs with Innovative Contracting
File: Emergency Replacement Scan Lewis-HoelkerRev11082007 (2).doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-4_Best Practices for Maximizing Traffic Flow.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-3_Best Practices regarding Homeland Security.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-2_Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-1_Readiness to Face Total Maximum Daily Loads.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Tracy Scriba
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Work Zone Data and Performance Measurement Practices
File: Domestic Scan-WZ Data and Performance Measures.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Dick Albin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Technical Committee on NonMotorized Transportation
Title of Scan: Assistant State Design Engineer
File: 08 SRTS scan proposal.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: J. Jeffrey Seiders
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Materials
Title of Scan: Domestic Scan Best Practices Texturing Concrete Pavements
File: Domestic Scan Best Practices Texturing Concrete Pavements.doc
Date: 11/8/2007

Name: Chung Eng
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Assessing Work Zone Impacts
File: Domestic Scan Proposal - Nov07.doc
Date: 11/07/2007

Name: Matt Mueller
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois DOT
Title of Scan: Bridge Deck Construction
File: Domestic Scan.doc
Date: 11/05/07

Name: Daniel B. Stewart
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Dept. of Transportation
Title of Scan: Acting Highway Quality Assurance Division Chief
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan - Roundabouts.doc
Date: 11/05/2007

Name: Thomas P. Macioce
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Dept. of Transportation
Title of Scan: Chief Bridge Engineer
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan - Bridges.doc
Date: 11/05/2007

Name: Brian D. Hare
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Dept. of Transportation
Title of Scan: Acting Design Services Division Chief
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan - Cost Estimating.doc
Date: 11/05/2007

Name: Lon Pfau
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Human Resources
Title of Scan: Human Resource Manager
File: Blank Form.doc
Date: 10/29/07

Name: Shannon Eggleston
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Standing Committee on the Environment
Title of Scan: Program Director for Environment
File: Invasive Plants in the Right-of-Way.doc
Date: 10/29/2007

Name: Hossein Ghara
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Subcommittee on Brdiges and Structures
Title of Scan: Bridge Design Engineer
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal Form Ray.doc
Date: 10/29/2007

Name: Artur Wagner Dandrea
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Louisiana DOTD/Subcommittee on Bridges
Title of Scan: Challenges In Fast-Tracking the Design and Construction of a Mega Bridge Project
File: Domestic Scan.doc
Date: 10/26/2007

Name: Brian Smith
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Biology/Water Quality Specialist
File: Revised-NPDES Perrmit SCAN proposal.doc
Date: 10/25/2007

Name: Paul Fossier
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Louisiana DOTD/AASHTO Bridge Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Assistant State Bridge Design Engineer
File: AASHTO Scan Proposal - Inspection of Cable Stay Bridge Spans, La DOTD.doc
Date: 10/22/2007

Name: Buddy Porta
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Best Practices in Project Delivery
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Project Del
Date: 10/17/2007

Name: Brian Smith
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center Environment Team
Title of Scan: Biology/Water Quality Specialist
File: NPDES Perrmit SCAN proposal.doc
Date: 10/10/2007

Name: Brad Beckham
Agency/AASHTO Committee: SCOE
Title of Scan: Environmental Program. Mgr.
File: WQ-Env compliance.doc
Date: 10/02/07

Name: John P. Miller
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Missouri Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Implementing Road Safety Assessments and Low-Cost Countermeasures
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal - Missouri.doc
Date: 11/20/2008

Name: Hannah Schell
Agency/AASHTO Committee: MTO
Title of Scan: Transverse Cracking Scan
File: Transverse cracking scan MTO.doc
Date: 11/17/2008

Name: Morris Oliver
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Federal Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Successful Strategies for Motorcycle Safety
File: Dom-Scan-Proposal FY2010-Motorcycle Safety-FHWA Safety-FINAL.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Kevin Thompson
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Tunnel Committee
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Roadway Tunnels
File: DomesticScanT-20.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Tracy K White
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Oregon DOT
Title of Scan: Highway Approach (Access) Inventory for System and Asset Management
File: AASHTO Scan AM Inventory.doc
Date: 11/14/08

Name: Kelly Lucas
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO R/W and Utilities Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Use of Visualization Technology for Land Acquisition
File: MoDOT Visualization proposal.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Thomas Pelnik
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Virginia Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Design Build Projects – Design Quality Management Plans
File: DomesticScanProposal_DB_Design_Oversight_20081114.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Thomas Saad
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA, AASHTO T-5 member
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Providing Bridge Safety and Servicability
File: 2010 Domestic Scan Proposal - Bridge Safety and Servicability.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Gerald L. Solomon
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA/AASHTO ROW and Utility Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Right-of-Way and Design-Build Best Practices
File: FHWA HEP Right of Way Design Build Scan.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Kelly Lucas
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO R/W and Utilities Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Disposal of Excess Land
File: Proposed Scan Excess Disposal.doc
Date: 11/14/2008

Name: Christopher Waszczuk
Agency/AASHTO Committee: New Hampshire DOT
Title of Scan: Innovative Financing Practices for State Departments of Transportation
File: NH2010 - Innovative Financing Practices for State Departments of Transportation.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Ann Pahnke
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Best practices in transportation information services
File: FY2010 Domestic Scan- Best practices in transportation info services.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Katiann Wong-Murillo
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center
Title of Scan: Environmental Justice Becomes Sweet Sixteen—How E.O. 12898 has grown and how can it be improved.
File: AASHTO Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Larry Tibbits
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Accelerated Bridge Construction Utilizing Precast Bridge Elements
File: SCAN Accelerated Construction with Precast Elements.doc
Date: 11/13/2008

Name: Kelly A. Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Emergency Operations and Traffic Operations: Getting the most out of Emergency Operations Center and Traffic Management Center coordination
File: 2008TOC-EOC.doc
Date: 11/11/2008

Name: Thomas Hicks
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Calming Expressways and Other Major High-Speed Rural Roads
File: Maryland State Highway 2010 Domestic Scan Submission.doc
Date: 11/10/2008

Name: Thomas P. Macioce
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures
Title of Scan: Quality of Consultant Designs
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal - Quality of Consultant Designs.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Thomas P. Macioce
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures
Title of Scan: Quality of Bridge Designs
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal - Quality of Bridge Design.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Kerry Petrasic
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Modular Block Walls
File: AASHTO Form - Modular Block Walls.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Kerry Petrasic
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Geotextile Separation for Pavements
File: AASHTO Form - Geotextile Separation for Pavements.doc
Date: 11/06/2008

Name: Dick Albin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center
Title of Scan: Best Practices for Streamlining Safety Project Implementation
File: Safety Program Scan final 11-3-08.doc
Date: 11/03/2008

Name: Gerald L. Kennedy
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA IA Division
Title of Scan: Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies and Application
File: FHWA IA Division Domestic Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 10/31/2008

Name: Rod Massman
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Missouri DOT
Title of Scan: Best practices in the treatment of pedestrian access at signalized vehicle highway/rail crossings.
File: Blank Form.doc
Date: 10/08/08

Name: Larry Tibbits
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Context Sensitive Design Solutions for Lane Departure Strategies
File: Lane Depature AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal.doc
Date: 10/03/2008

Name: Dick Albin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO TC on Non Motorized Transportation
Title of Scan: Assistant State Design Engineer
File: NCHRP ConMain-TCD Dom Scan.doc
Date: 11/13/2007

Name: Brett Graves
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Contactor to FHWA
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal Form_NTIMC_110907.doc
Date: 11/13/2007

Name: James Cheatham
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Director Office of Planning
File: AASHTO 2009 Domestic Scan Proposal HEPP1.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Rebecca Lupes
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Environmental Protection Specialist
File: AASHTO 2009 Domestic Scan Proposal HEPE.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Jim Gutierrez, PhD, P.E.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: California Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Implementation of California Department of Transportation Seismic Retrofit Program
File: Caltrans Seismic Scan.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Peter Weykamp
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Maintenance/Bridge Task Force
Title of Scan: Bridge Maintenance Program Engineer
File: AASHTO DOMESTIC SCAN - Bridge Maintenance.doc
Date: 11/9/2007

Name: Jason Harrington, Recycling Engineer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Federal Highway Administration
Title of Scan: State Transportation Agency Use of Coal Combustion Products in Highway Infrastructure
File: CCP Scan.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Agency/AASHTO Committee: US DOT/FHWA
Title of Scan: Environmental Stewardship
File: STA-Usage-of-Re-Used-Recycled&Alternative-materials.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Ed Strocko
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations
Title of Scan: Implementing Freight Related Air Quality Improvement Projects
File: Implementing Freight Related Air Quality Improvement Projects.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Ewa Flom
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA/Office of Safety
Title of Scan: Safety R&T Program Coordinator
File: Domestic Scan Proposal - Roadside Safety-Final.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Jeff Hisem
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Ohio Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Administrator, Office of Estimating
File: AASHTO_Scan_Form_Bundling.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Jeff Hisem
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Ohio Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Administrator, Office of Estimating
File: AASHTO_Scan_ Form_forecasting.doc
Date: 11/9/07

Name: Kelly Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: System Operations and Electrical Maintenance Chief
File: VII State of the Practice Scan Tour.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Kelly Langer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: System Operations and Electrical Maintenance Chief
File: MultiState Scan Tour of TMC Custom Users.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Stephanie M. Stoermer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Identifying Best Tribal Consultation Practices in the Context of Transportation Projects
File: Tribal Consultation Scan Tour.doc
Date: 11/09/07

Name: Louis N. Triandafilou
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center - Baltimore
Title of Scan: Senior Structural Engineer
File: Lou T-FRP Deck Scan.doc
Date: 11/09/2007

Name: Eric E. Harm
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois Department of Transportation
Title of Scan: Deputy Director/Assistant Chief Engineer
File: Domestic Scan1 (2).doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: J. Jeffrey Seiders, Jr.
Agency/AASHTO Committee: TxDOT SOM member
Title of Scan: Director of Materials & Pavements TxDOT
File: Domestic Scan1.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Rob Elliott
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center
Title of Scan: Ability to React to Emergency Highway Replacement Needs with Innovative Contracting
File: Emergency Replacement Scan Lewis-HoelkerRev11082007 (2).doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-4_Best Practices for Maximizing Traffic Flow.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-3_Best Practices regarding Homeland Security.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-2_Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Hua Xiang
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Maryland State Highway Administration
Title of Scan: Office of Policy and Research
File: Maryland-FY09-1_Readiness to Face Total Maximum Daily Loads.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Tracy Scriba
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Work Zone Data and Performance Measurement Practices
File: Domestic Scan-WZ Data and Performance Measures.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: Dick Albin
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Technical Committee on NonMotorized Transportation
Title of Scan: Assistant State Design Engineer
File: 08 SRTS scan proposal.doc
Date: 11/08/2007

Name: J. Jeffrey Seiders
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Subcommittee on Materials
Title of Scan: Domestic Scan Best Practices Texturing Concrete Pavements
File: Domestic Scan Best Practices Texturing Concrete Pavements.doc
Date: 11/8/2007

Name: Chung Eng
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Assessing Work Zone Impacts
File: Domestic Scan Proposal - Nov07.doc
Date: 11/07/2007

Name: Matt Mueller
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Illinois DOT
Title of Scan: Bridge Deck Construction
File: Domestic Scan.doc
Date: 11/05/07

Name: Daniel B. Stewart
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Dept. of Transportation
Title of Scan: Acting Highway Quality Assurance Division Chief
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan - Roundabouts.doc
Date: 11/05/2007

Name: Thomas P. Macioce
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Dept. of Transportation
Title of Scan: Chief Bridge Engineer
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan - Bridges.doc
Date: 11/05/2007

Name: Brian D. Hare
Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Dept. of Transportation
Title of Scan: Acting Design Services Division Chief
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan - Cost Estimating.doc
Date: 11/05/2007

Name: Lon Pfau
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Human Resources
Title of Scan: Human Resource Manager
File: Blank Form.doc
Date: 10/29/07

Name: Shannon Eggleston
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Standing Committee on the Environment
Title of Scan: Program Director for Environment
File: Invasive Plants in the Right-of-Way.doc
Date: 10/29/2007

Name: Hossein Ghara
Agency/AASHTO Committee: AASHTO Subcommittee on Brdiges and Structures
Title of Scan: Bridge Design Engineer
File: AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal Form Ray.doc
Date: 10/29/2007

Name: Artur Wagner Dandrea
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Louisiana DOTD/Subcommittee on Bridges
Title of Scan: Challenges In Fast-Tracking the Design and Construction of a Mega Bridge Project
File: Domestic Scan.doc
Date: 10/26/2007

Name: Brian Smith
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA
Title of Scan: Biology/Water Quality Specialist
File: Revised-NPDES Perrmit SCAN proposal.doc
Date: 10/25/2007

Name: Paul Fossier
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Louisiana DOTD/AASHTO Bridge Subcommittee
Title of Scan: Assistant State Bridge Design Engineer
File: AASHTO Scan Proposal - Inspection of Cable Stay Bridge Spans, La DOTD.doc
Date: 10/22/2007

Name: Buddy Porta
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Best Practices in Project Delivery
Title of Scan: Best Practices in Project Del
Date: 10/17/2007

Name: Brian Smith
Agency/AASHTO Committee: FHWA Resource Center Environment Team
Title of Scan: Biology/Water Quality Specialist
File: NPDES Perrmit SCAN proposal.doc
Date: 10/10/2007

Name: Brad Beckham
Agency/AASHTO Committee: SCOE
Title of Scan: Environmental Program. Mgr.
File: WQ-Env compliance.doc
Date: 10/02/07

Have questions? Email with any comments or troubles you may have.

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